President and Founder ~ Scott David Turbitt ~ Married, Father of Six Sons, Grandfather of three, MBA, and Published Author

S.O.S. for Christ is a 'Lay' Christian Apostolate.
S.O.S. for Christ was "intentionally" formed to proclaim "Truth," the Kerygma (Good News) that "Jesus is Lord" with every man, woman, and child (Mt. 28:18–20). S.O.S. for Christ offers a back-to-basics, "three-pillar" catechetical approach to explain how Jesus and the Dunamis (power) of the Holy Ghost will help them overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil (spiritual warfare). The "three pillars" are:

1) SUMMA VERITAS (Latin for "Summary and Truth") proclaims 'weekly' "Truths" called "WHAT IS TRUTH?" "WHAT IS TRUTH" declares a brief "two-to-three-minute" catechetical answer to the who, what, where, when, why, and how Catholic Christians proclaim the Kerygma (Good News) that transforms lives, leading them to Jesus. The "WHAT IS TRUTH" podcast places special emphasis on the writings found within the seventy-three books of the Bible, the Catechism, and the lives of the Saints.

2) The "UPPER ROOM" Prayer Fellowship is a gathering of singles, couples, friends, family, and communities coming together (weekly) to "praise and worship God. Its mission is to establish a community of believers (a remnant) that worships using song, prayer, brief bible studies, personal testimonials, and an openness to receive the healing Dunamis of the Holy Ghost in their bodies, minds, and souls. The "UPPER ROOM" Prayer Fellowship incorporates the A.C.T.S. form of praying: adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication to God.

3. The Men of St. Joseph International Prayer Fellowship is a weekly gathering of Catholic Christian men (18 years of age and older). Please be advised that the vast majority of members practice their faith as Catholic Christians. However, men (18+) who belong to other Christian faith beliefs are welcome. Participating in the Men of St. Joseph International Prayer Fellowship is a great way for men aspiring to become more holy and to create a brotherhood of "like-minded" men who bravely face "life's challenges" head-on while maintaining a strong 'fruit-filled' prayer life. Come and see what the growing and dynamic men's ministry called the Men of St. Joseph International is all about. Why was the Men of St. Joseph International created? To change the culture (within and outside of the Church) from one of "emasculation" of men towards a culture that values fearless and spiritually strong men who lead family, church, and community. The Men of St. Joseph International empowers men to conquer the world, the flesh, and the devil by giving them the "spiritual" tools necessary to fulfill their divine destiny as a "spiritual warrior." The following resources are examples of the "spiritual" tools guiding the Men of St. Joseph International on their spiritual journey:

1) A "52-week" study guide called SIGNPOSTS. SIGNPOSTS (written by two Catholic Deacons) encourages men to open up and discuss the challenges they face, analyzing the "best" ways to support one another and how to implement "spiritual" tools that conquer "real-life" situations. In addition, the "52-week" curriculum focuses on Sacred Scripture taken from the seventy-three books of the Bible and quotations from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. SIGNPOSTS goal is to prepare men to defeat the world, the flesh, and the devil and become "spiritual warriors" who lead their families, churches, and communities.

2) "72 hours to a resurrected life in Christ." Men who desire and seek out a resurrected life in Christ through the Men of St. Joseph International are "intentional" when it comes to committing to participate in one retreat, one conference, and 'weekly' prayer fellowships every year. The Men of St. Joseph International model their lives after St. Joseph "Terror of the demons."

Scott David Turbitt's goal as President and Founder of S.O.S. for CHRIST has been and will always be the salvation of souls. He would like to offer his deepest appreciation to the entire S.O.S. for CHRIST community; those of you who have already, either spiritually, and/or financially invested in the mission, offering your "fiat" by donating time, talent, and treasures towards exceeding the goal of "rebuilding the Church, one soul at a time."

For more information about the "three pillars," the mission and goals of S.O.S. for CHRIST, and how to spiritually and/or financially invest in Scott and S.O.S. for CHRIST as a partner supporting the mission and goals of S.O.S. for CHRIST, please click on the following link: www.sosforchrist.org

Pax et Bonum, Scott David Turbitt, President and Founder of S.O.S. fo CHRIST

Scott David Turbitt

President and Founder

Scott David Turbitt was born on January 6, the Feast of "Little Epiphany," in Providence, Rhode Island, into a pious Catholic Christian family under the devoted and loving care of Donald and Patricia Turbitt. There are three children in total: an older sister (Lisa) and a younger brother (Keith), with Scott in the middle child.

Scott's primary (elementary) and secondary (high) school diplomas earned from Catholic institutions were a wonderful blessing. Scott graduated with an MBA degree in management from the Franciscan University of Steubenville and a bachelor's degree in marketing from Bryant University. Prior to the pandemic, Scott completed two courses (online) while pursuing an MA in Theology degree from the Augustine Institute in Colorado. By the grace of God, Scott has experienced the highest level of fulfillment—as a father, spiritually, professionally, and athletically. As a child, Scott's focus was to become a professional baseball player. Scott was a tri-captain on his high school championship baseball team. He also started as a college freshman and sophomore at Bryant College (dba Bryant University). In his freshman season, Bryant College (now University) won the Rhode Island College state title. Scott also played amateur (summer) baseball.

Scott's professional life spanned a period of thirty years as a Professional Sales Executive servicing a wide range of industries, including: a subcontractor sales representative for Cox Communications, material handling equipment (forklift sales), medical, pharmaceutical, plumbing, heating, and HVAC sales. Throughout Scott's career, he emulated a very strong work ethic and make excellent career choices based on years of witnessing both his parents' strong integrity and work ethic.

One of Scott's greatest joys (and challenges) was serving "full-time"
an eighteen-hundred-to-two-thousand family (six thousand parishioners total) "Catholic Megachurch" as the Adult Faith Formation leader at St. Stephen, Martyr Catholic Church from 2015–2022. Scott was free to create, coordinate, and lead multiple "Adult Faith" catechetical classes, such as the "UPPER ROOM" Prayer Fellowship (2014–2023) and the Men of St. Joseph International Men's Prayer Fellowship (2017–2023). Scott experienced great joy bringing in local, regional, national, and international speakers (laity and clerics) such as Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC; Dr. Peter Kreeft; Deacon Bob Rice, PhD; Steve Ray; Dr. Ralph Martin; and Scott's international Catholic missionary parents, Donald and Pat Turbitt. One of Scott's biggest achievements (and the most challenging) was the undertaking (with the help of fifty volunteers) of being the Master of Ceremony for the first "Let the Fire Fall Outdoor Christian Concert" held in September of 2016 at St. Stephen, Martyr Catholic Church in Chesapeake, Virginia.

Scott resides with his wife, Jennifer, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Scott is the very proud father of six 'biological' sons and the grandfather of two grandsons and one granddaughter (in Heaven).

Scott recently became the published author of two books:
SUMMA VERITAS ~ (eBook), and SHAMEFACED ~ (hardcover/softcover/eBook).